React Simplified - Advanced
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01 - Welcome
Advanced React Concepts
02 - Portals
03 - forwardRef
04 - Modal Introduction
05 - Modal Walkthrough
06 - Error Boundaries
07 - Advanced Key Uses
08 - Capture Event Listeners
09 - Date Picker Introduction
10 - Date Picker Walkthrough
Advanced Hooks
11 - useLayoutEffect
12 - useDebugValue
13 - useId
14 - useImperativeHandle
15 - useCallback As Ref
16 - Infinite Scroll Project Introduction
17 - Infinite Scroll Project Walkthrough
18 - useEffectEvent
CSS Alternatives
19 - CSS Modules
20 - CSS In JS
21 - Utility CSS
22 - CSS Frameworks
23 - Comparing CSS Options
Type Safety
24 - PropTypes
25 - TypeScript Setup And Props
26 - TypeScript useState
27 - TypeScript useRef
28 - TypeScript useReducer
29 - TypeScript useContext
30 - TypeScript Generic Components
31 - Google Calendar Clone Introduction
32 - Google Calendar Clone Walkthrough
33 - Dev Tools Profiler
34 - React.memo
35 - PureComponent
36 - Handling Large Lists
37 - Setup Vitest And React Testing Library
38 - Vitest
39 - React Testing Library
40 - Mocking API Calls
41 - Component Testing Project Introduction
42 - Component Testing Project Walkthrough
43 - Hook Testing Project Introduction
44 - Hook Testing Project Walkthrough
45 - Router Testing Project Introduction
46 - Router Testing Project Walkthrough
Clean Code
47 - As Prop
48 - Context Organization
49 - Toast Project Introduction
50 - Toast Project Walkthrough
51 - Use Less useEffect
52 - Controlled Vs Uncontrolled Components
53 - Compound Components
54 - React Folder Structure
Asynchronous React
55 - Suspense
56 - React.lazy
57 - useDeferredValue
58 - useTransition
59 - use Hook
60 - Async React Router
61 - Async Routing Project Introduction
62 - Async Routing Project Walkthrough
31 - Google Calendar Clone Introduction
31 - Google Calendar Clone Introduction
React Simplified - Advanced
Buy now
Learn more
01 - Welcome
Advanced React Concepts
02 - Portals
03 - forwardRef
04 - Modal Introduction
05 - Modal Walkthrough
06 - Error Boundaries
07 - Advanced Key Uses
08 - Capture Event Listeners
09 - Date Picker Introduction
10 - Date Picker Walkthrough
Advanced Hooks
11 - useLayoutEffect
12 - useDebugValue
13 - useId
14 - useImperativeHandle
15 - useCallback As Ref
16 - Infinite Scroll Project Introduction
17 - Infinite Scroll Project Walkthrough
18 - useEffectEvent
CSS Alternatives
19 - CSS Modules
20 - CSS In JS
21 - Utility CSS
22 - CSS Frameworks
23 - Comparing CSS Options
Type Safety
24 - PropTypes
25 - TypeScript Setup And Props
26 - TypeScript useState
27 - TypeScript useRef
28 - TypeScript useReducer
29 - TypeScript useContext
30 - TypeScript Generic Components
31 - Google Calendar Clone Introduction
32 - Google Calendar Clone Walkthrough
33 - Dev Tools Profiler
34 - React.memo
35 - PureComponent
36 - Handling Large Lists
37 - Setup Vitest And React Testing Library
38 - Vitest
39 - React Testing Library
40 - Mocking API Calls
41 - Component Testing Project Introduction
42 - Component Testing Project Walkthrough
43 - Hook Testing Project Introduction
44 - Hook Testing Project Walkthrough
45 - Router Testing Project Introduction
46 - Router Testing Project Walkthrough
Clean Code
47 - As Prop
48 - Context Organization
49 - Toast Project Introduction
50 - Toast Project Walkthrough
51 - Use Less useEffect
52 - Controlled Vs Uncontrolled Components
53 - Compound Components
54 - React Folder Structure
Asynchronous React
55 - Suspense
56 - React.lazy
57 - useDeferredValue
58 - useTransition
59 - use Hook
60 - Async React Router
61 - Async Routing Project Introduction
62 - Async Routing Project Walkthrough
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